Goodbye and Good Riddance 2020 (Week 15 @ Encora Academy)

Uriel Martinez
2 min readJan 5, 2021

The time for saying goodbye to 2020 has come.

This week at Encora was a little breath from assignments or projects but a great chance to relax a little, be with the family and be thankful for surviving this weird year. I personally take this time to review some basics about computer science, JS, and a git/GitHub course.

I basically started my week reviewing a lot of things but since Wednesday when I had my evaluation interview, I focus on some specific topics.

I dug into some basics about OOP, and its four principles, what S.O.L.I.D. means ( Single responsibility, Open close, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation, and Dependency inversion), and so on. I haven’t really programmed a lot in this paradigm, but I realize that although I didn’t know the concepts themselves, I know how they work since I’ve been working on projects where they use OOP, and it was not unfamiliar to me.

Then I reviewed the life cycle of a product and the life cycle of a bug which basically can be resumed with the following images:

Product life cycle
Bug life cycle

I also took a short course about functional programming in JS, where I learned a lot of new things. I learned about closures, hoisting, the JS scope, currying, higher-order functions.

Finally, the last thing I did this week was to take a course about Git and GitHub course in form. I got a subscription at Platzi, so I took advantage of it.

These past months, I’ve been using it a lot. I started by building my own repositories to have my projects saved. I also cloned other people’s repositories.

Once in Encora, Git and GitHub became a vital tool for my day to day work, so I had to learn them on the way by try and error without really knowing what was going on…

Now that I almost finished the course, I understand branches, how they work, how you solve conflicts, how to merge branches into branches, the good practices, and so on.


This week helped me to realize the things that I need to work on. I actually wrote down a list of topics that I need to give special attention to. I developed a study guide to dive more into algorithms, data structures, agile strategies, and my two stacks that are currently Python and JavaScript.

