Team Building Week (Week @ Encora Academy)

Uriel Martinez
2 min readDec 15, 2020

This week at Encora was the TBW (Team Building Day). Usually, everybody used to go to a common city where they celebrate the end of the year party, but, this time, it was fully remote, it was about video meetings with different contests and workshops about everything for all the family.

I enrolled in the chess contest, attend the Jeopardy meeting, and on the final day, to the Team Building Day, where we did a lot of activities, from 10 in the morning till the other day. It was a great experience, and I could barely imagine how this celebration goes in a normal situation without the pandemic.

I met a lot of new people this week. I got the chance to talk to ex academies. It feels good to know that they were in the same position that I am, learning new things every day, working on open source projects, etc., and now they are working as full employees. I learned about company values and that I believe everyone is on the same channel, they share their opinions about how does it feel to be in a company where you can be yourself, where no one is rejected. They just focus on what you can achieve.

But, besides all those events, I was also working for open source projects to contribute to. I looked for Node.js issues, but there was not a lot of them, and the ones available were a little hard, so this week, I felt unlucky. That led me to wonder if there was the possibility to work in JavaScript projects since node.js is just JS for the backend. I dived into some interesting ones, so now I could get my hands dirty.

The most interesting part of my week was my sessions with my mentor. I learned a lot about the theory behind the big O notation, algorithms, data structures, and their relation.


What I keep from this week is the curiosity to know more about what is it to really be part of the Encora family, where is a place for professional growth with people passionate about what they do, happy to belong to this place. I can’t wait to see how it feels.

