Third Week at Nearsoft Internship

Uriel Martinez
3 min readOct 12, 2020

This time, the polyglot programming week was the first week with programming assignments, where, as a team, we had to solve several code jam problems with six different languages.

In my experience, I’ve just used one of them, Java, so I picked Go, a programming language developed by Google. That was a shock for me because I thought that learning a new language for solving this kind of problem would be overwhelming, and it would take a long time!.

Lucky me, that was not that bad. I needed to figure it out in another language that I was already familiar with it at first. Then, worry about what I needed from that specific language. That was a very straightforward approach, so it was not difficult at all.

But, I already knew the feeling of solving programming problems, even if it leaves a good feeling. What I really enjoyed was when we helped each other verifying if our code was working well. So, that’s how working as a team feels like?.

Weekly Resources

This week we watched 15 videos from their curated resources. The general overview of all of them was to focalize on the myths and values in the software industry.

There are no gods. There’s no work done by a single person but build by teams and collaborators. Even if you’re an expert doing your thing, if you’re in a cave, nobody will know about you or your work. There’s no place for ego here.

I knew the performance tuning loop. Collect data, gather insight, and taking action. This loop serves as a way to keep an informatic system working as efficiently as possible.

I also took a flashback of some of my lectures at college. Shanon’s information theory one of the bases of how the technology works nowadays. Not everything was a reminder. There were a lot of new things for me, like the ways compression works, Markov chains, the LZ77 family, and so on.

If there’s something that should be clear about tech organizations is that they’re particularly different. You’re a free being for them, where freedom comes with a lot of responsibilities.

The basic elements of creativity

Everything is a remix!. Our world, as far as how we know it, is made from copies, transformations, combinations, and adaptations of previous things. That’s how it works, to create, we need a model to follow.


Collaborations, taking risks, find influencers, and communication is key. You have to learn for life!. The more you know about how you work, the more productive you’ll become, and last but not least, solving problems is not about being concentrated in a corner. You can find solutions everywhere, so, it’s important not to be a square. Learn, read, do different things.

